Loftesnes Bridge
Facts and Figures
Company | PNC Norge Infrastructure and JV Partner KA. Aurstad |
Principal | Statens vegvesen Region West |
Location | Sogn og Fjordane - Norway |
Type | Bridge construction |
Runtime | 11.2015 - 07.2018 |
A new landmark crossing the Sogndal fjord
Completed in June 2018, a modern steel and concrete structure has replaced the old 1950s bridge spanning the Sogndal fjord. As part of route Rv. 5 in Sogndal, the structure comprises a roundabout as well as cycle lanes and footpaths.
The Loftesnes Bridge is 194m long and is composed of a 15m-tall steel arch with an 80m span. The bridge is supported by four pillars: two buttresses and two pile heads embedded in the fjord. The steel framework was manufactured in Poland and transported by sea before being lifted into position by a floating crane with a bearing capacity of 800t.
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