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Fv17 Liafjellet – Olvikvatnet

Tall og fakta
Company PNC Norge AS
Byggherre Statens Vegvesen / Nordland Fylkeskommune
Sted Lurøy, Nordland - Norway
Type Tunneling, Road construction, Bridge construction
Byggeperiode 09.2016 - 12.2019

Drill and blast in the north

Since the former road around Liafjellet had been exposed to landslides, PNC Norge AS built a completely new road through Liafjellet on behalf of Nordland County Municipality. The project included about

1900m tunnel works through Liafjell, about 400m tunnel works through Bakliholt as well as a landfill and bridge over Olvikvatnet. In total, the project stretched 5.5km.